Key Agency behaviors must change for their staff to be more transparent.
- The Culture of the Management needs to become coaches or inspirer to nourish, participate with and reward their staff. All must given time to first participate, practice and experience by collaborating with tools, such as blogs and wikis internally to further transparency publicly.
- The Agency should be required to fund their “virtual†office space with remote access as part of their critical infrastructure, in the same way they fund their “bricks and mortar†office space.
- The Agency should be required to appoint editor-in-chief and content gardener and Web 2.0 Evangelist for every web application they maintain, as do the top commercial websites. This person should be given appropriate funding and authority to develop and enforce web policies and publishing standards, including ensuring that prime real estate on government websites is dedicated to helping people find the information they need.
- The Agency should develop standard job descriptions and core training requirements so agencies can hire and retain highly qualified experts in web content, content gardener, and new media—not just IT specialists.
- Reward Employees such as 1. Honor Awards similar to Suzanne E. Olive Award for Exemplary Leadership in National EEO – Non-Managerial for diversity. 2. Office awards for individual collaborator, facilitator and /or Monthly Office award to individuals for best collaborators or practioners for enabling transparency