A Faraday cage or air gap can’t protect your device data from these two cyberattacks
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CyberWisdom Safe Harbor Commentary on Air Gap
This story from techrepublic.com details researchers have found a way to get around the Faraday cage and the air gap by using low-level magnetic fields that can not be stopped by traditional methods.
For safety professionals in a highly-safer environment, it is important to take the recommended steps to resist a magnetic field attack before it appears in the wild.
In two papers published by researchers at Ben-Gurion University, two common methods of physical cybersecurity, air gap, and Faraday cage were uncovered.
Faraday cage is a cage made of conductive material that completely blocks the electromagnetic fields and signals. Gap computers are computers that are completely isolated from external networks and signals. Air gap settings usually include a Faraday cage.
Anyone who interacts with a Faraday battery can prove it works – place your smartphone in a Faraday cage and you can immediately see the signal fall. However, researchers found that normally overlooked low-level magnetic fields can still penetrate the air gap and Faraday cage, allowing attackers to intercept and steal data.
Blame magnet –
low-frequency magnetic radiation
Dr. Mordechai Guri, research director, said that it would still work if a basic compass was brought into Faraday cage. He said: “Although Faraday rooms can successfully block the electromagnetic signals emitted by the computer, low-frequency magnetic radiation is transmitted through the air and penetrates the metal shield in the room. This is a low-level area where attackers can hide any device that has a CPU hidden in a Faraday cage or void room. It is worth reiterating that anything that has a CPU can be manipulated by the method Guri and his team call Odini.
2. low-level magnetic fields
Devices infected with Odini malware can control the low-level magnetic fields emitted by the CPU by adjusting the CPU core load. The data can then be carried on the CPU’s magnetic field, outside the Faraday cage or air gap, and picked up by a receiving device designed to detect magnetic field manipulation. The team called Magneto’s second attack using the same CPU magnetic field method of operation but allowed it to be picked up by nearby smartphones.
Do not think sticking a smartphone in a Faraday bag or placing it in airplane mode will prevent it from detecting a signal: it is magnetic so it passes and is picked up by the device’s magnetic field sensor, which is the standard for most modern devices Feature smartphone.
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Long thought impenetrable, these forms of physical security continue to be found vulnerable. The latest attack vector is low-level magnetic fields. Engaging post, Read More…
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