Critical Infrastructure Are More Vulnerable to Hacks Than Ever Before
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CyberWisdom Safe Harbor Commentary
This story from explores that despite widespread awareness of the physical and data-related dangers inherent in exposing critical infrastructure to cyber attacks, the number of Internet-accessible industrial control systems (ICSs) is increasing every year.
According to Zheng Technology, advanced industrial nations such as the United States, Germany, China, France and Canada have the largest Internet ICS components that run factories, transportation, power stations and other facilities. Among the detected Internet ICS components, there are 176,532, of which about 42% are in the United States, an increase of 10% over the previous year (from 50,795 to 64,287).
For the second year in a row, the German team finished 13,242, ranking second. The PT research team also noted that more and more Internet access ICS components are actually network devices such as the Lantronix and Moxa interface converters, accounting for 12.86% and 5.06% of the test components in 2017. Although these converters are generally considered to be Relatively insignificant, but they may be very useful for hackers, the company pointed out.
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l33tdawg Fri, 02/02/2018 – 00:47… Engaging post, Read More…
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