Cryptocurrency HACKERS use YOUTUBE to target computers for bitcoin and ripple mining
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CyberWisdom Safe Harbor Commentary on Cryptocurrency HACKERS use YOUTUBE reveals an interesting fact that Cryptocurrency HACKERS uses YOUTUBE to target computers for bitcoin and ripple mining’ Hackers have been targeting users of YouTube to exploit cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin by attacking their computers with video-platform advertising services.
The issue was believed to be the first to be discovered last week when users of Google-owned video sites reported that watching ads on YouTube triggered their anti-virus software.
The ad was found to contain a mining code called CoinHive, which secretly used as much as 80% of the visitor’s computer’s central processing unit to mine the cryptocurrency for anonymous hackers to act as a malware attack.
In addition to trading cryptocurrencies, new coins in online money can also be mined digitally.
However, mining these currencies consumes a great deal of computer power and hackers have begun to steal electricity from other computers instead of their money.
Google has said that their ad services are closely monitoring any malware used by those trying to dig into digital currencies.
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HACKERS have been targeting users of YouTube to mine cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin by attacking computers through the video platform’s advertising service, it has been reported…. Engaging post, Read More…
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