Google Deletes 700,000 Malicious Apps From Play Store in 2017
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CyberWisdom Safe Harbor Commentary on Google:
A recent story from discusses things we don’t talk about but Google deleted about 700,000 malicious applications in 2017, that is in violation of Google Play Store policies and malicious adware applications that silently execute malicious activity on users’ Android devices.
The removal of applications was 70% more than the deletion of applications in 2016, clearly demonstrating that cybercriminals distribute many malicious Android applications daily and quickly add Android-based attack vectors. In this case, 99% of the Andoird apps being removed are identified and blocked, and anyone can install them on their Android phone.
The total number of Google Play Store apps is projected to be 2.6 million in December 2016 and 3.5 million in December 2017.
Google play store blocked those 700,000 apps are mainly based on one of the following categories.
Inappropriate content
Potentially Harmful Applications (PHAs)
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Google blocked nearly 700,000 Malicious Apps in 2017 alone that violated Google Play Store policies and Malvertising Apps which silently Performing malicious activities on users Android Device. Removed apps are 70% more than the apps taken down in 2016 that clearly indicate that Cyber criminals are distributing many malicious android applications day by day and Engaging post, Read More…
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