Malicious Trends: Cryptojacking Could Surpass Ransomware as Primary Money Maker
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CyberWisdom Safe Harbor Commentary on Cryptojacking
What is most likely to be an overlooked story from reviews a surprising
Encryption currency is very hot. According to, there are now over 1,300 cryptocurrencies accelerated with the new Initial Coin Products (ICO). Even Kodak is working with Kodak. At the moment Bitcoin is still priced higher than North Korea’s rocket, Blockchain saves only one application for the world at a time.
Cybercrime Swiftly adopting cryptocurrencies as a payment method for ransom plague is now turning to other ways to encrypt money technology. We see that stolen accounts and credit card shops use peer-to-peer DNS in the blockchain as a defense against their products.
Cypto-coin-enabled JavaScript has been placed on vulnerable websites and the #minevertising advertising campaign has begun to take off.
As a result, anyone accessing the compromised site is infected with malware that hijacks 100% of the CPU cycles and stole Monero cryptocurrencies on behalf of criminals. This event is named cryptojacking.
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Cryptocurrencies are hot. According to, there are now over 1300 cryptocurrencies with new initial coin offerings (ICOs) accelerating all the time. Even Kodak is getting into the act with KODAKcoin. And currently, the price trajectory of Bitcoin is higher than a North Korean rocket, with Blockchain saving the world one application at a time…. Engaging post, Read More…
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