Researchers uncover Russian dark web ad for new GandCrab ransomware-as-a-service
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CyberWisdom Safe Harbor Commentary on GandCrab ransomware-as-a-service:
This story from admits the truth from researchers investigating newly discovered GandCrab ransomware have learned how its authors are marketing the malicious program as ransomware as a service pack.
Last Friday, LMNTRIX, the Australian cybersecurity company, shared their findings with SC Media. After discovering GandCrab’s Russian ads – an unusual ransomware that uses RIG and GrandSoft exploits as a distribution mechanism, requires payment in crypto-currency Dash and uses servers hosted in .bit domains.
According to LMNTRIX, the ad offers a partnership program whereby members divide GandCrab’s profit with the developer into 60:40. In addition, large partners have the opportunity to increase their share to 70%. The author also provides technical support and updates for buyers.
However, there are a few caveats: Partners must not target countries that are now members of the former Soviet republics of the Commonwealth of Independent States, or their accounts will be deleted. In addition, “Partners must apply to use ransomware and have a handful of ‘seats’ available,” LMNTRIX explained in an email to SC Media.
According to LMNTRIX’s English translation of ads, the authors also touted the ability to manually configure ransom size, individual robots, and encryption masks; a “handy admin panel” on the TOR web and the ability to access victim pages from regular web browsers; This significantly increases the amount of payments. “The ad further states that the amount of ransom automatically doubled if the victim did not pay on time.
As an additional selling point, GandCrab’s author also posted a teaching video demonstrating how ransomware avoids antivirus testing.
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Researchers investigating the newly discovered GandCrab ransomware have learned how its authors are marketing the malicious program as a ransomware-as-a-service package to potential buyers on the dark web…. Engaging post, Read More…
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