U.S. Gov posts Cybersecurity US-CERT aAvisory for Pyeongchang Winter Olympic Attendees
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CyberWisdom Safe Harbor Commentary US-CERT Advisory:
A recent story from scmagazine.com sheds light on a US-CERT Advisory released the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics participants network security advice Just over a week more to go to the torch lighting at the PyeongMing Olympic Winter Games, CERT has released a guide to online games that can also be used in any public environment.
Considering the nature of the Olympic Games, all the following recommendations are centered on mobile safety and hygiene, much like the participants at Black Hat and Def Con.
Turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connection when not in use.
Use credit cards to pay for online goods and services.
When using public or unsecured wireless connections, avoid using websites and applications that require personal information such as logins.
Update mobile software.
Use strong password and password.
Other suggestions include setting up two-factor authentication for your account, keeping the screen lock on your device active, and above all, spending a little bit of time before clicking the link.
There have been several Olympics-focused hacking attacks and files and emails stolen from the UML are leaked. McAfee reported in early January that the organizations participating in the PyeongChang Olympics have used the games as a social engineering initiative Part to cheat folks to open phishing emails.
Although cyber-attacks supported by nation-states cannot be ruled out, most experts believe it is unlikely that North Korea will participate in the games now and in this direction, but that does not mean that the games are secure.
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With the torch lighting for the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang just over a week away U.S. CERT has issued cybersecuirty guidelines for those visiting the games, tips that can also be used in any public environment. Engaging post, Read More…
thumbnail courtesy of scmagazine.com
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