Why the Russian Government Turns a Blind Eye to Cybercriminals
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CyberWisdom Safe Harbor Commentary on Russian Government:
A must-read story from slate.com proposes a revealing why the Russian government turns a blind eye to cybercriminals? As long as they target the victims of other countries, that will be alright.
If you’re a hacker committing cybercrime, posting your limousine photo on social media may not be the best idea. However, this is exactly what Karim Baratov did. As a result, the 22-year-old Canadian was arrested in November and admitted that it is no surprise that he was involved in the Yahoo hacker operations (the largest data breach so far). The lucrative cybercrime is certainly not news, but the Balatov case is outstanding because the indictment details his relationship with the FSB of the Russian Federation intelligence service.
As the son of Kazakhstan’s immigrants, Balatov was paid by two FSB officials as part of a larger movement aimed at Yahoo, which also involved Alexsey Belan, who is already on the FBI’s Web Most Popular List But managed to avoid being extradited to the United States. Used as a network agent: a middleman who attacks cyber attacks benefits Russian intelligence agencies. The stories of Bratov and Beyram provide insight into the agency relations between Russian states and hackers, and how agencies are organized and structured differently from one agency to another. What we now know is mainly to confirm the rumors circulating over the past two decades.
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By Tim Maurer Future Tense is a partnership of Slate, New America, and Arizona State University that examines emerging technologies, public policy, and society. Posting photos of your luxury cars on social media is probably not the best idea if you are a hacker committing cybercrime. Yet that’s exactly what Karim Baratov did. It is therefore not surprising that the 22-year-old Canadian got caught and pleaded guilty in November to being involved in the Yahoo hack, the biggest data breach ever (to date). That cybercrime is lucrative isn’t news, of course, but the Baratov case stands out because the indictment details his relationship with the FSB, a Russian intelligence service on the other side of the planet. Baratov, the son of Kazakh immigrants, was paid by two FSB officials as part of a larger operation targeting Yahoo that also involved Alexsey Belan, who had already been on the FBI’s Cyber’s Most Wanted list but managed to avoid being extradited to the U.S. The two were used as cyber proxies: intermediaries who conducted an offensive cyber… Engaging post, Read More…
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