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CyberWisdom Safe Harbor Commentary on MacUpdate
This story from analyzes the truth about Cybercriminals have managed to infiltrate MacUpdate, a Mac app download site, and maliciously install Firefox, OnyX and Deeper app, which are actually cryptocurrencies miner.
The event took place on February 1, when SentinelOne released a blog warn the reader about mine, the Thomas Reed blogger for Malwarbytes. The malware, called OSX.CreativeUpdate, is a new miner who spends time in the background of computer resources that mine for Monero.
MacUpdate apologizes and explains how to remove malware from comments in each of the applications affected.
Malicious Impact on MacUpdate
With each changed application, the threat actor redirects those click-link clicks to a malicious website that slightly alters the URL to help confuse the behavior.
Both OnyX and Deeper are products made by Titanium Software (, but the site has been maliciously changed to point to the download site, the first domain name registered on January 23, with its ownership overridden Fake Firefox applications are released from, “Reed said.
When the end user is asked to drag the application into the computer’s application folder, it will be injected. However, the .dmg (disk image file) that contains the malware was moved. Once malware moves to a new folder, it installs a payload from the legitimate website as bait. This activity in turn means that malware is activated.
Reed pointed out some of the problems with malware, sometimes causing it to fail.
For example, a malicious OnyX application will run on Mac OS X 10.7, but a tricky OnyX application would require macOS 10.13, which means that malware will run on any system between 10.7 and 10.12, but the decoy application will not Will open to cover up the malicious incident. “
MacUpdate Remedy
Fortunately, the malware can be removed, but Reed also advises end-users to download applications directly from the developer’s site, not from integrators or Apple. And, because malware is often trendy, he said a warning sign that if there is no advertisement or no effect on the downloaded app, there may be something wrong with some of the new software. This is a good idea if this happens.
Finally, Reid tried to say that Macs will not let malware fall asleep.
Finally, note that the never-ending old adage “Mac computers do not get viruses” turned out to be more hypocritical, saying that this is the third Mac malware so far this year, following OSX.MaMi and OSX. After CrossRAT.
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A cybercriminal managed to infiltrate the Mac app download site MacUpdate and install maliciously- copies of the Firefox, OnyX, and Deeper applications that actually were cryptocurrency miners. Engaging post, Read More…
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MacUpdate hacked, cryptocurrency miner apps installed
MacUpdate hacked, cryptocurrency miner apps installed

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More Remedy…
Hidding MacUpdate Remedy
As with many of these things, there are two ways to do one thing – though one of them has some different side effects.
Option A
Option A asks you to open System Preferences, select the Store icon, and ensure that the boxes titled Download the Latest Available Updates in the Background and Install MacOS Updates are selected.
As you can guess, this will mean that before this notification disappears into the background, you get a subtle background notification of what’s happening.Here’s how to make those annoying Mac update notifications disappear
Option B
But what about option B? If you prefer, you can leave the two options unchecked – you will not even get a subtle popup.
Of course, this means that you will miss even more important patches, although you will not get stuck with unnecessary updates.
So far, so good, right? Then there is a little alpine update that (a) can not be handled in the same way, (b) if you have an old machine that will slow you down.Here’s how to make those annoying Mac update notifications disappear 1
There are two ways to get out of the notification
If the above does not work try this
As MakeUseOf explains, there is a way to do this.
The “simple” approach includes updating, clicking Ctrl + click on the Mac OS High Sierra banner at the top, and selecting “hide update.”
If for some reason the above method is not valid, then the “hard” way is what you need. Start.
Step 1: Open your Mac Finder and click Go> Go to Folder
Step 2: Enter “/ Library / Bundles” (minus the quotes) in the dialog box.
Step 3: The icon labeled “OSXNotification.bundle” should be visible. Drag it elsewhere (you can move it back later if you need to).
Step 4: Enter your administrator password when prompted
Step 5: Restart.
Only. Now you will never be bothered by unwanted notifications.

Here’s how to make those annoying Mac update notifications go away
Here’s how to make those annoying Mac update notifications go away
The post MacUpdate hacked on MACs, cryptocurrency miner apps installedOSX.CreativeUpdate appeared first on Safe Harbor on Cyber.

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