Your Office could conduct work more openly and publish data online including ways to improve timeliness of the data and target the data to key audiences
The Agency should use their website including blogs to publish a summary of common customer comments and explain the actions they are taking in response to the feedback. Effort should be made to respond according to responders suggestion or comments. Doing so will create better transparency and accountability.
The Agency should use social media, not just to create transparency, but also to help our Offices, various projects and Staff accomplish their core tasks and meet their information needs. For example, the agency could post instructional videos on Blogs to explain how to apply for stimulus grants. To do this, the government must ensure that Staff as well as Citizen who need access to social media tools have them, and that these new ways of delivering content (i.e. stimulus grants) are available to all, including people with disabilities and multi-lingual needs.
The Agency has developed government-wide guidelines for disseminating content in universally accessible formats (data formats, news feeds, mobile, video, podcasts, etc.), and on non-government sites . To remain relevant, government needs to take our content to where people already are on the Web with communication plan to market and promote the available tools, guidance, and information, rather than just expecting people will come to government websites. Having guidelines will ensure that we’re part of the larger online community acting together