Technology transformation platforms for collaboration.
Strategically rethink how to deliver on our mission. Individual offices or major programs should strategically develop service-focused uses that may involve using Web 2.0 approaches to reconfigure their business models or services in order to more effectively deliver on their own core missions or outcomes that require collaboration with other agencies. This rethinking should be a part of their required agency-wide strategic planning process and not just within their technology offices.
From Web 1.0                                                            to                                                    Web 2.0
Content publishing by website owner
(business to consumer, government to citizen)     to                   Content creation by members (peer to peer)
Data extraction by website owner                         to                     Blogging, vlogging, and interaction by members
Content management systems—producer              to                  Wikis—members, consumers, and producers
Portals                                                                          to                   Search engines
Directories and taxonomy                                     to                     Tagging and “folksonomyâ€
People, location,  and data                                       to                   People, location, data, and application “mashupsâ€
Stickiness                                                                    to                   Syndication, “open interoperability†and
Syntax                                                                          to                   Semantics
We should continue to use of open source technologies on a Web 2.0 enterprise platform. For LAMP platform- Linux, Apache, PHP, MySQL we should continue to use MediaWiki and WordPress. We should explore the use of Gallery2 or Coppermine for picture, video and multimedia gallery similar to Flickr and YouTube to enable metadata for searching and discovery of images and file. In addition other wiki like DekiWiki may be use on our lamp server Web 2.0 enable CMS system – Drupal or Joomla. We could also use ELGG as a social networking application similar to Facebook. We could also use a Microblog software, a WordPress plug-in, to replace twitter.
The second platform is also an open source technology platform with the use of Linix, Apache, Java, MySQL or Oracle for Liferay for social networking application coupled with Xwiki for wiki. This platform will enable us to link with portal through an API.
We should provide RSS feed and social book marking tools.
We should invest in government-wide solutions, such as captioning software to make videos and webcasts on Web 2.0 Platforms accessible to people with disabilities